Halloween this year was a bit different. Instead of going to the costume store or raiding the thrift store with friends, I went to the "chino" [store], literally a hole in the wall that is a
compulsive hoarder's dream. These stores, usually owned by different families of asian descent, are all similar in that they wouldn't pass a fire inspection if you took a bulldozer and swept away half of the store's contents. You probably wouldn't believe me if I took a picture. We are talking about a 500 square foot room filled with enough things to pack an Ikea warehouse (Please, hold your comments about my closet ;) ). Anyways, at the "chino" I pieced together the missing parts of my costume, a vampire, and received some exposure and response prevention (ERP) for claustrophobia, a condition I didn't know I had until I went to the back of the store and found myself dizzy and fighting an avalanche of miscellaneous junk. It was like one of those fun houses minus the dysmorphic mirrors.
The Halloween Rundown:
Wii with the roommates. Mojitos and pumpkin couscous with the girls and Joan. Creepy drunk stalker on the metro. Party full of snotty British girls, all dressed as Madonna, how original. Me leaving because I don't have a stick implanted far enough up my ass to be pretentious and shallow. Wish I were exaggerating about the Madonnas. One of my new friends, Josephine, is an au pair in Sitges and when she told the Madonnas, "Madonna # 3" or "Contentious Madonna" replied in a very condescending tone [with her nose in the air], "Oh... I always had Au Pairs growing up... I've always wondered what it was like..." Insert mouth drop and awkward laugh. I'm just glad I left when I did, because had I stayed to bob for apples, "Madonna # 3" would have also been "Drowned Madonna."
It was a great Halloween, all sarcasm aside.
Mercedes, Me, and Michelle